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Dr. phil. Isabella Woldt on the work of Zelene Jiang Schlosberg

Writer's picture: Zelene SchlosbergZelene Schlosberg

Excerpt from the exhibition essay for the solo exhibition "Air's Chamber" by Zelene Jiang Schlosberg at WOLDT Gallery, London, 2021

Testament, canvas, acrylic, thread, 224x24x2.5inches/61x61x3.81cm, 2021, Zelene Jiang Schlosberg

In Zelene's art, space is transformed into an aesthetic play with the air that passes the musical instruments to evoke the sound that expands in time to create space. Schlosberg's newest artworks from 2020 and 2021. The artist explores new perceptions of space, narratives, colour and figuration, but the music and implementation of the line as motive and material are still important references.

A general sense of anxiety pervades - the canvases have been harmed, after all, even if an optimistic colour palette is trying to maintain a brave face. An array of techniques (stitching, embroidery, script) are employed in the service of materials including beads, paper, and wire. A multiplicity of textures, combined with three-dimensional tendencies, help make the role of natural light central to interpretation. Amorphous shapes emerge, rearrange, and suspend themselves, complicating the sense of dimensionality.As in a dream, the emotional dimension of colour stimulates an intuitive response. Zelene has created labyrinthine narratives of abstract, figurative, and mystical configurations in a world that is simultaneously familiar and unfamiliar. Facing the pandemic in this real world, with unexpected developments and an invisible enemy for the people, the artist specifically engages the human world, the surreal world of creative thinking and making, reacting to the uncertainty of time that suddenly overlays the world. When the comfortable real world becomes unfamiliar, the artist travels into the realm of the subconscious and comes up with characters that have been forgotten. They now populate the space of installations, resting in the floral structures or new architectural spaces of the cut screens and guard us.

——Dr. phil. Isabella Woldt 2021


在2020 年和 2021 年創作的最新作品中,新的視角展示了她在空間感知、敘事、色彩和形象方面的探索,但音樂和對線條的執行作為動機和材料仍然是重要的參考。






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